Knee Replacement Surgery and Recovery

Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement is a surgical procedure that relieves you from severe knee pain and disability by replacing weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint. This procedure is also known as arthroplasty. Many options of cure are available to you.

Types of Knee Replacement Surgery

Many surgical methods are available to cure your discomfort. Your Orthopaedic Surgeon will guide you about the best replacement options after taking into account the condition of your knee. The four main types of surgeries are:

Total Knee Replacement
Total Knee Replacement

This surgery would involve replacing the joint surfaces at the end of your thigh bone (femur) and at the top of your shin bone (tibia). It may also involve the replacement of your kneecap (patella) with a smooth plastic dome. If you have already got you patella removed in a previous surgery; then to the surgery is possible but the surgeon would decide which part (prosthesis) is made use of for the current surgery. The new parts are firmly attached or alternatively, the surface of the component facing the bone is textured or coated to encourage bone to grow and form a natural bond.

Unicompartmental (Partial) Knee Replacement

                        Unicompartmental (Partial) Knee Replacement

The knee has three compartments – the kneecap (patellofemoral), the outer surface (lateral) and the inner surface (medial). Arthritis usually affects one side of the knee - the inner surface. In such cases unicompartmental or partial replacement is possible.

Kneecap replacement (patellofemoral arthroplasty)

                      Kneecap replacement (patellofemoral arthroplasty)

It is also possible to replace just the undersurface of the kneecap and its groove (the trochlea); if that is the only affected area. Kneecap replacement surgery is also known as the patellofemoral replacement or patellofemoral joint arthroplasty.

Complex or Revision Knee Replacement

                        Complex or Revision Knee Replacement

As the name signifies, this surgery is done to correct the previously done unsuccessful knee surgery. It is a complex and a longer procedure as surgery is done on the knee which has already undergone a surgery once or twice before.

Symptoms of Knee Replacement Requirement
    You should immediately meet your orthopaedic surgeon if you experience the following uncomfortable situations:

  • Severe knee pain which is limiting your day-to-day activity. 
  • Moderate or severe knee pain even while you are not walking or making any movement 
  • Persistent knee inflammation and swelling even after medication and rest. 
  • Knee stiffness.
Treatment of Knee Replacement Surgery

Initially, doctors advise the following healing options:
  • Oral Medications 
  • Use of Ointments 
  • Medication injected in joints 
  • Intake of nutritional supplements 
  • Physical therapy and exercise 
  • Weight loss
If by taking these measures; there is not much relief, then the doctor would advise you to go through any of the above-mentioned surgeries. The cost of knee replacement surgery in India is dependent on factors like doctor’s fee, hospital charges, type of surgery etc.

Recovery of Knee Replacement Surgery

The time required for recovery is directly related to the type of surgery you have been advised. Total knee replacement and revision knee replacement may require more time for recovery in comparison to unicompartmental or kneecap replacement as the nature of surgery is relatively less complex in the latter treatments. Once your surgery is done you can be assured of a pain-free life!

Jiyo India ensures that best orthopaedic surgeon in India is at your service during your knee replacement surgery and recovery process. Before making the decision, you would also be able to compare treatment costs of various hospitals. All you need to do is to call +91 875003334 and talk to experts for FREE.
